Building a Corporate Image: Some Essentials

Developing a corporate image is not simply about choosing a design and colour for your logo. Anyone setting up in business should make sure they consider what message they want to portray and invest time in getting it right.

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Having a recognisable brand is key to any type of business’s success. As well as understanding how your potential customers will react when they see your logo, you should also understand what it makes them feel about your company and its image.

Who Are You?

Any business needs an identity – the story behind how and why it was set up and by whom. Getting this information across to your customer in a clear and concise way is essential and should be part of any marketing campaign.

What Do You Do?

How often do you see a cool logo or advertisement but have no idea what it is promoting? This is a wasted opportunity and a waste of money. Being edgy and trying to stand out from the crowd is all well and good, but not if your campaign is so confusing no one actually knows what it is you do. Make sure your message is clear and easy to understand.

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If you need help developing your corporate image, consider using a branding agency such as Really Helpful Marketing. They can work with you and your business on developing marketing campaigns, designing, branding and logos as well as help you communicate your message to the right people in a positive and effective way.


Reputation is everything, and if this goes, then it is likely the business will soon follow. According to this report, reputation is the most important thing of all for any business to succeed –

Tell Your Story

Some of the most recognisable brands are known for the story behind why they started. Think about why you decided on your business and its name and tell people about it. Using social media is a great way to do this and a good way to engage with your customers.

Think Like a Client

Think of everyone as a potential client and consider how they see you. If you were a customer, would your brand appeal? Study the competition, know your market and demonstrate your knowledge. This will give you credibility and your potential customers confidence in you and your business.