Garden Jobs you Can Do Now for the Winter

In the winter months the garden is resting after the summer, and now is the time to make sure that it is well looked after so that you can enjoy it once again come the spring and summer. As the worsening weather comes, here are some of the things that you can do in your garden…

Make Repairs – The weather can cause a lot of damage over the winter – heavy rain and strong winds can wreak havoc on a garden. Make sure that your garden is ready for this by checking garden structures like sheds for signs of leaks and damage and making repairs. Your fence is also something that you should take care to check – get a professional like this fencing Gloucester company to come and sort it out if it requires extensive repairs.

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Plant Bulbs – Now is the time to get the bulbs in the ground ready to give you that pretty burst of colour in the spring. Plant snowdrops, daffodils, bluebells and alliums now in the ground and in pots to get your garden looking great in a few months time.

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Look After Wildlife – This time of the year is really tough for wildlife and the birds in the garden struggle to find food in the winter. Now is the time to set up a bird table providing food and clean water for the birds to enjoy. If temperatures drop, make sure that you replace the water as it may freeze over.