How can you prevent condensation on your windows?

During the autumn and winter months, condensation is a common problem in most homes, and it can cause damp and mould if it isn’t stopped. Thankfully, there are several ways you can do this and prevent health problems.
How does condensation occur?

Condensation is water which appears on hard, cold surfaces when they come into contact with warm air. It is most common on windows and doors and is particularly found in unventilated rooms or bathrooms and kitchens where there is a lot of humidity. In winter, when the outside temperature is colder, droplets appear on the cold window surface as the warm air inside condenses.

The Energy Saving Trust says that most of us will experience condensation on windows, but it is not a problem if it clears quickly. The main solution is to increase ventilation so that the moisture in the air can escape, thereby reducing any humidity in your home.

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What can be done?

Here are some top tips for putting an end to condensation on windows in Hereford or elsewhere:

1.      Keep bedroom windows open at night – The air you exhale while you’re asleep increases humidity, and if it can’t escape, condensation will form.

2.      Open bathroom windows before taking a shower or bath, and kitchen windows during cooking – Bathing and cooking both cause steam which needs to get out.

3.      Check your windows – Old or faulty double-glazed windows may get condensation trapped between the glass panes, and it’s important to replace them with new windows Hereford when this happens.

4.      Dry clothes outside – if wet clothes are placed on a radiator or airer, they release moisture, which also increases the humidity in a room. If you can’t hang clothes outside, open any windows.

5.      Get rid of damp – if you are experiencing damp, remove any visible mould or mildew before treating the surface with damp-proof paint.

6.      Keep the heating on low – Continual temperature rises and drops will increase the risk of condensation.

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7.      Get a humidifier – If condensation is a major problem, you might consider buying a dehumidifier.