Internet Marketing Basics that Increase Traffic and Conversion Rates

Internet marketing offers a wide range of options for the online business owner. Web 2.0 provides individuals with many opportunities to promote their businesses easily and inexpensively. The following tools are just a few options you can use – among many others – to increase the traffic to your website as well as to increase conversion rates (make more sales).

Website – Having a website makes good business sense; however, just because you put it online doesn’t mean you’ll have loads of traffic to your site. You need a way to direct traffic to your site as well as keep visitors coming back. Also, keep in mind that a clean website converts better than one cluttered with lots of visuals, bells, and whistles. Make good use of the space, but remember that less is often more.

Opt-in Pages – Opt-in pages are placed on your website and ask visitors to type in their names and e-mail addresses to get updates on products and services. You can use a service, such as Aweber, to do these mass mailings (called auto-responders) for you. Your best bet is not to use the auto-responders to do hard sales; instead, use these automatically generated e-mails to provide helpful hints to your subscribers to their most pressing problems.

Article Marketing – Article marketing is so easy that practically anyone can do it. Simple write articles – 300-500 words in length – and post them to free article directories online. When people read the articles, they can simply click on a link that takes them directly to your website. It’s that simple. You don’t have to be a professional writer to do this, either. Just write informational articles for your target market but don’t sell your wares. Articles published on these directories are for informational purposes only. Check out a few of the articles on the site for examples.

Blogs – Blogs are a great way to establish rapport with your customers as well as your potential customers. Write short blog posts that give information about how to solve your readers most pressing problems (in your niche). It’s also a good idea to write an occasional fun post about what you’re doing in your life. When customers feel like they know you, they are more likely to purchase a product or service from you.

Internet marketing may seem intimidating when you’re a novice, but it’s not that difficult once you get started. There will be a slight learning curve but once you get your marketing efforts in place, you’ll find it easy to add to your marketing momentum using the tools listed above.

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