Stockroom tips and guidance

The place of the humble stockroom has been elevated in recent times. It’s no longer the poor relation (and therefore usually the most neglected) part of your infrastructure. Initiatives which have revolutionised manufacturing and supply chain management rely on structured and well-organised stockrooms.

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Good House-Keeping

It was Japanese car makers who first introduced the concept of good house-keeping within the working space, and their ideas for reducing wasteful inventory and only ordering what was needed when it was needed finally led to many British manufacturers adopting the ‘just-in-time’ method. This inevitably had an effect on suppliers down the line. Nowadays, much smaller organisations know the value of keeping stock as bare as possible and of not causing unnecessary waste by sitting on stock that may never be used or may become out of date.

Stock Reduction and Placement

Items with the highest turnover should be in the most easily accessible place, although there will always be the odd item that simply has to be kept, especially if there is a long lead time for re-ordering. These should be kept to a minimum and of course, should not be in the way of other items which are required on a daily or hourly basis. Stock in your warehouse that may include things like Vape Juice Gloucester products, boxes or food.  If your customer wants to Buy vape juices in Gloucester then you could advertise online or in the local newspaper.

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Unused inventory which hangs around costs money and wastes time when workers have to sort it and move it. Getting to the stage of keeping fewer and smaller items cuts costs. For very small and lightweight items, you do not need to invest in very expensive shelving.


For very small and lightweight items, you do not need to invest in very expensive shelving. If you’re looking for cheap shelving units Ireland has a number of quality providers.
It helps if stock is clearly labelled, ideally through a computerised stock management system, to reduce the time used searching as well as to alert you to reducing or depleted stock.

Of course, having an efficient stockroom is one thing, but changes should be made with workers’ safety in mind.
Once you have streamlined your stockroom, you will soon notice the benefits in terms of time and reduced costs.