Are There More Green Jobs Being Created Now the Construction Industry is In on the Act?

The Green Deal has been a long time in the planning and it isn’t there yet. Though current estimates are that the first Green Deal payments should be made concrete in the final quarter of 2012. 

Actually it depends on who you talk to. There seems to be a lot of information around at the moment saying stuff like “check back here soon” and “we’ll advice you in due course” – hardly the stuff of job search heaven. So what’s the real story?

The Green Deal is supposed to give people who otherwise couldn’t afford it, an incentive to get eco-friendly alterations to their homes. The idea is simple. You borrow money to make improvements and pay that money back through your future electricity or energy bills.

There should then be some jobs showing up on that take advantage of the new Governmental promises. These are: Green Deal Advisor; Green Deal Supplier; and Green Deal Assessor.

The Assessor comes in to assess whether a property is right for green improvement – that is, whether improving a property’s energy efficiency will actually bring in savings to the property user. His or her task is to approve or reject properties for Green Deal financing.

The Green Deal Advisor is there to take the property user through the different options available to him or her. For example – what kind of green improvement would be best suited to the budget? And which Green Deal provider might be giving the best kind of deal?

The Green Deal provider is the contractor approved by the Scheme to carry out the alterations or installations. Existing contractors can apply to become Green Deal providers – in due course, again.

So is there really a burgeoning jobs market for renewable energy? In some cases yes. Take a look at some of the clients listed on the ENDS site and you’ll see plenty of roles being advertised – from consultancy to science and construction, there’s something for most skill sets.

Even in the wake of the recession it seems that green investment is going ahead. Companies that fit environmental responsibility into their new contracting get tax breaks from the Government or can apply for money from the Green Investment Bank – another scheme yet to show full fruition, it has to be said, but one intended to supply the same kind of finance options to commercial properties as the Green Deal does to domestic and residential ones.

There’s a worrying shortage of green skills yet in evidence in the construction industry. And a more worrying prospect of a skills gap, where people training in the green skills will be coming through the ranks a couple of years behind the financing. So if you’re considering a career in a green sector, now is a good time to start. There’s an empty playing field out there waiting to be filled with skilled workers who know how to make less power go further.