Getting your alcohol license

Alcohol is a great addition to any special event or a new launch but there is much more to selling and supplying alcohol than just serving drinks and watch people enjoying themselves. Because there are social implications surrounding the sale of alcohol, if you intend to sell or supply alcohol to the public then you will need to apply for a license from the local council and take responsibility for those you are selling alcohol to. If this is your first time applying for an alcohol license, or running a bar, here’s what you need to know to get started.

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Getting the proper license

So, there are two types of licenses you may need to apply for. The first is called the Personal License and this allows you to sell alcohol on behalf of a business that already has a premises license. A Premises License is required for any business or organization to sell or supply alcohol permanently. All of these places must have a designated premises supervisor who is the person responsible for running the daily business. When you are granted a license, you then take responsibility for the sale and supply of alcohol and may do so for a few other places. Get help from Southend Solicitors who are experienced in licensing, such as a site like

However, certain conditions must be met to comply with the license:

No promos

Offering people quadruple vodkas or one pound a pint deals is considered irresponsible because people can drink more than they would have otherwise intended. This, of course, can lead to people being drunk and disorderly and possibly committing criminal acts that put others and themselves at risk. If you are a sporting event or offer a sit-down meal, these rules can be bent a little but for the most part, it’s best to stick to the normal retail price. This also ties with the recent amendment to the licensing rules which prohibits the sale of alcohol below the cost of duty plus VAT.

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Free water

What better to wash down a shot of tequila with a nice cold glass of tap water! It is a legal responsibility to provide free tap water for guests. It is imperative to make sure there is always water available.

Small, medium or large?

It is a legal responsibility to inform customers that there are different measures available – small, medium and large. It must be verbally advised when they order and disclosed clearly on the menu so that people are aware of different sizes available.

Remaining legal

Selling to minors can result in a criminal record and removal of your license. If someone is not visibly above the age of 18 then they have to provide photographic ID. All staff must be aware because the license holder is responsible for their own team and their actions.

This is the information that needs to be considered when applying for an alcohol license so a host can run a fun event and safely offer alcohol to customers. Always remember that in selling and supplying alcohol you will be responsible for the safety of customers at your premises, so make sure you’re clued up on all the little details.